Yes, people who want challenging, rich academics DO have a sense of humor.
Here are some links to prove that!
- "Scary Postings": Real teachers (and some ed school students), who want to teach real students ...
Here are some scary postings on online education discussion groups, newsgroups
and teacher forums (with some comments added).
- If you have the misfortune to have to go to a typical
school presentation laden with progressivist edu-speak,
well, now you and a friend can now pass the time
with these handy EDUCRAT BINGO cards (in PDF format).
Decide your game beforehand,
such as simple five-in-a-row for a "brown bag" lunch, all the
way to a coverall for a full-day in-service. Cover a square when you hear the
matching catch-phrase spoken by the presenter. Good luck!
Educational Jargon Generator:
"This fine academic tool was designed to assist in the writing of
reports, grant applications, and other documents related to public
schools. I believe that it will be particularly useful for people
involved in writing reports for WASC accreditation. Amaze your
colleagues with finely crafted phrases of educational nonsense!"
- If The World Were Like the Public Education System
by Kevin Killion.
What if our current system for public education served as a model to re-design
our food stores? Our highway system? Computers? Soccer leagues? Car delearships?
Find out here!
Scoring Rubrics for Portfolio Assessment by by Martin Kozloff
Teachers' Union Honors MTV (satire, from the Houston Review)
Weapons of Math Destruction: Cartoons about fuzzy math!
- Mel Levine Meets the Fadbusters
- Here is Schaumburg cartoonist
Mark Anderson's web page of education and teacher cartoons.
Funny stuff, Mark!
A Randy Glasbergen cartoon that is a terrific
commentary on using computers for school projects.
See the cartoonist's
website for more information and for reprint rates.
- From the daily
Non Sequitur comic for June 24, 2002, here's what
happens when two kids discover the printed page.
- For a worse-case scenario of spell-check dependency,
"The Spell-Checked Poem"
- Articles from
The Onion:
- Onion News Network:
- Articles from
- Sadly, this is REAL, not fictional, but it's priceless!
What happens when a new graduate sits down to write a letter seeking employment?
Bob Killian of Killian Advertising (no relation to the editor here)
collects some of the worst he's received, at
Cover Letters From Hell. Read 'em and weep!