A School Science Fair:
What Are The Kids Learning?
by Kevin Killion
July 31, 2001
A family friend invited me to a science fair their children's school was having,
and this sounded like an interesting event. Back in my own grade school
and high school years, I was a rabid Science Fair
fan. Twice in high school I went all the way to the state
science fair in Champaign, and both times I won an
Outstanding there.
But upon years of reflection, and after becoming a parent, I
must admit to real reservations about what the science fair
experience actually accomplishes for most children.
Development of a project involves a huge time expenditure,
and one must be very clear about what this expenditure is
designed to achieve, and whether the time could be better
"Scientific Method"?
Walking around the fair, I was concerned that so much
emphasis was placed on following through the steps of a
supposedly universal "scientific method". In some of the
papers this artificial structure overwhelmed the science
content of the project.
There is a wonderful book by Brother Guy Consolmagno, Ph.D.,
"Brother Astronomer". Consolmagno is a Jesuit and a respected
astronomer at the Vatican Observatory. In the book, he
talks about the methods used by scientists, and it becomes
clear that every scientist uses a different method. When it
comes down to writing a paper, certain forms are standard,
but the background science itself is seldom as predictable
as we suggest to children.
Years ago, physicist Percy Bridgman also wrote about this in
his autobiography:
"It seems to me that there is a good deal of ballyhoo about
scientific method. I venture to think that the people who
talk most about it are the people who do least about it.
Scientific method is what working scientists do, not what
other people or even they themselves may say about it. No
working scientist, when he plans an experiment in the
laboratory, asks himself whether he is being properly
scientific, nor is he interested in whatever method he may
be using as method. ... Scientific method is something talked
about by people standing on the outside and wondering how
the scientist manages to do it. ...
"But ... the working scientist ... is not consciously
following any prescribed course of action, but feels
complete freedom to utilize any method or device whatever
which in the particular situation before him seems likely to
yield the correct answer. ... No one standing on the outside
can predict what the individual scientist will do or what
method he will follow. ...
"In short, science is what scientists do, and there are as
many scientific methods as there are individual scientists."
(For more observations on a supposed unique "scientific method,"
jump to the quotes at the bottom of this page.)
Reducing the excitement of science to a series of formal
steps, stripping it of the joys of learning and knowledge
for their own sakes, and turning the thrill of discovery
into nothing more than a plodding "experiment", well, it's
hard to think of a better way to destroy a budding interest
in science.
The downside, then, of science fairs is seeing students who
are bored to tears by their science projects, having done a
lot of work while learning very little. This was evident at
this science fair: it was rare to find kids who spoke with any
great enthusiasm and deep interest about their topics.
Maybe the problem is the science fair structure itself,
especially at the elementary level. An alternative concept
that is gaining favor is that of a "science expo" wherein
kids are free to make a study of some area of science they
are interested in, and report on what they discovered and
found fascinating. The whole notion of "scientific method"
is de-emphasized to a more appropriate level. This gives a
child much more opportunity to pursue personal interests,
gain real content knowledge, and gain skill in communicating
that knowledge (with enthusiasm!) to other children and to
A key problem with the "scientific method", as it is
frequently stated, is that of the "hypothesis". All too
often in science textbooks, the word "hypothesis" pretty
much is used to suggest a wild guess. That is, creativity
and imagination are seemingly the only factors in creating a
I've corresponded with David Kirschtel, a Ph.D. at Michigan
State about this, and he says,
"As for the 'out of thin air'
issue, this is not just a middle school phenomenon, this is
something that I've had to deal with with the entering
freshman that I've taught. They come out of high school with
the idea that 'hypothesis' is synonymous with 'guess' and
thus there is no intellectual foundation supporting it."
At this science fair, too many of the papers that I looked at had
a most cursory view of "hypothesis", equivalent to a guess.
I saw the hypothesis stated with little or no background,
with no notion of a setting in which intuition based on
knowledge would take place. I realize that we're talking
about grade school children here, but it questions the whole
point of a science fair if kids are led to thinking that
science is all about bolts out of the blue rather than
Let's hear again from Brother Consolmagno, Ph.D. of the
Vatican Observatory:
"Given enough experience, a
scientist examining a problem can leap to an intuition as to
what the solution 'should look like.' ... Science is
ultimately based on insight..."
In other words, a scientist
uses insight, based on his experience, that is, his
accumulated knowledge.
Dr. Stan Metzenberg, writing about the supposed scientific
method has some terrific comments about the role of real
knowledge as a mandatory prerequisite to doing science:
"It has become fashionable in science education to mold K-12
students around an idee fixe of a modern scientist;
formulating hypotheses, observing, measuring, and
discovering through hands-on investigations. What has been
left unsaid is that real scientists don't actually spend
very much of their day 'observing' and 'measuring.' They
read! Reading for understanding of content is the core
process skill of science, and there is no substitute for
practice at an early age. ... Without a foundation in
scientific vocabulary and with minimal knowledge of
scientific fact, their words bear an accent of ignorance
that is impossible to conceal and nearly impossible to
I wrote to Dr. Metzenberg about his views on the importance
of "hypothesis" in science education and in science fairs,
and he wrote back with an interesting view:
I liked it better when science fairs were not about hypotheses but about
demonstrations. A student might demonstrate a way to make a pH indicator from
cabbage, or a rocket that could fly to 2000 feet, or might report on
observations of his ant farm. They simply followed their interests. There
were no bogus hypotheses, and the kids weren't being told "Today you are a
great scientist -- tomorrow you go back to the 4th grade".
So, how important is hypothesis? One of the greatest scientists
of all time said simply:
"I do not frame hypotheses"
-- Isaac Newton
The bottom line on all this may be one from another great scientist:
"In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind."
-- Louis Pasteur
In other words, the best way to understand and to "do"
science is not to go through the motions, but to prepare
the mind by learning real science content.
Control vs. Test
When a scientist defends his or her hypothesis, at that
point it must be couched in precise language. Several
children at the fair seemed to have problems with this.
For example, one student who won a 1st Place wrote this:
"My variable in this experiment was the people I tested. My
control in this experiment was the tests I did on the
Evaluation of Results
After the hypothesis, the trickiest part of a science
project is the evaluation of test results. This turns out
to be a nasty problem indeed.
A glimpse of the problem is seen in several of the
projects where kids wrote up an evaluation of how the
hypothesis held up, and then went on to long discussions in
total disregard of what they just said that their
evaluations found. For example, one 7th grader had a
project on the impact of subliminal messages, and found that
results were "inconclusive" but this didn't stop him from
later writing, "I have learned that subliminal messaging can
provoke the mind." An eighth grader won a 1st Place with a
project on ESP and her test conclusion was that "My
hypothesis [that ESP could be demonstrated] was incorrect"
but then she followed this with pages and pages of long details that completely
ignored her own conclusion, citing specific cases where
something seemed to happen (while ignoring those where it
How Can Grade School Children Test Hypotheses?
The confusion these children exhibit is more understandable
if we think about just what limited facilities they have to
examine mixed results. Let's say some test cases run a high
score, some others run low. What's a 7th grader supposed to
do with that? By and large, the only numeric measure they
have available to them to compare groups is the mean, a
straight average. It is not until high school, or maybe
even college, or often never, that they will get more
rigorous tools of significance testing.
Let's consider this problem by looking again at that 8th
grader's 1st-place-winning project on ESP. Her working
hypothesis was simple, that ESP can be demonstrated. She
had done a number of trials on a number of people of
different ages, at different times of day, and so on. As
we'd expect, the results were pretty mushy and, on the
whole, showed nothing. This girl even wrote, "My hypothesis
was incorrect." But following that, she nonetheless went on
for pages to describe in great detail when ESP seemed to
work and when it didn't.
Now, no one would expect this 8th grader to know the range
of solid statistical tests to be properly applied. But
without that, she's utterly failing to understand the nature
of scientific proof, and it's leading her into exactly the
kind of unscientific nonsense all our rhetoric about the
supposed "scientific method" is supposed to prevent.
Now this particular project was a doozy of an example. But
looking around the room, many of the projects fell into this
trap: there is a great tendency to claim something happened
just because some average numeric value is merely a bit
larger than some other average numeric value. How can 6th,
7th and 8th graders ever determine whether a result has
statistical significance to confirm or refute the
hypothesis? And if they have no tools for testing a result,
then what is the point of doing the project?
Let me suggest a simpler example: suppose that a child does
a classic bean plant experiment, with the null hypothesis being
that there will be no difference in plant growth as a result
of some outside factor, and winds up with these resulting
plant heights for six plants:
Control group: 9, 10, and 11, mean = 10.0
Test group: 8, 11, and 12, mean = 10.3
So, was the hypothesis rejected or accepted? Did the test
group grow more than the control group? It looks like the
test group grew a little taller on average, but not by much
and one of the plants in the test group was the shortest of
As adults, we would get out the stat tests and determine
whether this apparent small difference is statistically
significant. Without these real statistical measures, there
really isn't much that can be said about these results. And
without the ability to decide a hypothesis, then what is a
child supposedly learning here?
Gender Equity
As a parent of a boy, this struck me: When judging was completed and
winners were announced, there were nine girls who received the
Outstanding award, but only four boys. This imbalance is
alarming, and deserves to be explored further. What is it
that is keeping boys from doing better? Two possibilities
come to mind: either
- boys are not receiving the background in
science in the form that they need, or
- the judging in some way is skewed towards factors that favor girls.
Both of these factors are common in schools. For example, it is clear that
many boys enjoy direct instruction in lively, meaty, factual
content, which many schools now de-emphasize.
On the scoring question, one challenge in a Science Fair is to
ensure that judging weighs scientific knowledge and
understanding more highly than the visual appeal of the
display or literary quality of the essays.
(Also see the Illinois Loop page on
gender equity for more information.)
Science Fairs: An Anachronism?
I've come to the conclusion that science fairs on the grade
school level are an anachronism. They date from a time back
when the everyday science class was all lecture and textbook reading, and
if a child was lucky, maybe a film or a demonstration on
rare occasion. In that environment, a science fair injected
a needed dose of experimentation into the process.
But times have changed.
Today, science experiments in classtime are the norm. Many argue that the
pendulum has swung too far the other way, and that
experiments are now so rampant that they force out
instructional time! When a science program becomes
dominated by experiments, there is the danger of the class
becoming "science appreciation" rather than science.
In short, the function that science fairs served years ago is no
longer needed. Kids are getting plenty of experiments and
rhetoric about the supposed "scientific method" -- perhaps too much.
What's the downside? Well, without a real reason for them to exist,
the traditional problems of a science fair become dominant:
excessive time requirements, poorly chosen projects, and, very
subtly but very importantly, poor or too charitable judging.
The time consumed by some of these projects is enormous.
Worse, much of the real work is often the result of "helpful" parents
rather than students.
Then there's the biggest problem of all: the lack of substantive learning.
Usually, a science fair project consists of "researching" some subject
that has already been studied to death and whose result is somewhere
between patently obvious or already well-known. Students are often
encouraged to obsess over the so-called "scientific method",
and are required to keep detailed notes of hypotheses and experiments, etc.
The most important component of the scientific method, reading and
learning more rich content about the area under study, is often given a
poor second-place role. The emphasis instead is too often
on nice-looking reports, verbal presentation skill,
fancy displays, and process rather than content -- all of which detract from
the most important focus: better understanding of real science.
If You Must Have A Science Fair
Some schools or science teachers do not have the luxury of simply ending
the school science fair. The fair may be a dictum from the
principal or district superintendent, who sees the fair as
a wonderful opportunity to generate good publicity.
But if a science fair has to be, there are a few steps that can
be taken to make it more beneficial and to lessen the problems:
- It's crucial to specify just what it is that the science
fair is to accomplish. What are the specific learning
- In particular, is the goal to deepen one's understanding
of science, or instead of a nonexistent universal "scientific method"?
- Consider whether a "science expo" or other alternative
might meet the learning goals much more completely and much
more efficiently.
- Kids need to understand that deep and broad scientific
knowledge, not groundless hunches, are the basis for all
science. Intuition and creativity are vital, but they are
only possible upon a base of real knowledge. Perhaps in a
science fair at the grade school level the way to encourage
this is to encourage evidence of a deep topic investigation
through reading, before formation of the hypothesis.
- To evaluate what has been found, kids must at least have a
good understanding of test and control groups. It remains
an open, difficult question on just how grade school
children can evaluate their results in any kind of
meaningful way.
- Adopt judging criteria
that emphasize learning and application of substantive science content,
rather than artistic or literary flair.
Quotes on a "Scientific Method"
From our extensive page on education quotations:
What Real Scientists Actually Do
"I do not frame hypotheses"
-- Isaac Newton
"It has become fashionable in science education to mold K-12
students around an idee fixe of a modern scientist;
formulating hypotheses, observing measuring, and discovering
through hands-on investigations.
What has been left unsaid is that real scientists don't
actually spend very much of their day 'observing' and 'measuring.'
They read! Reading for understanding of content is the core
process skill of science, and there is no substitute for
practice at an early age. ...
-- Dr. Stan Metzenberg,
"Reading: The Most Important Science Process Skill"
"A scientist works largely by intuition. Given enough experience,
a scientist examining a problem can leap to an intuition as to
what the solution 'should look like.' ...
Science is ultimately based on insight, not logic."
-- Brother Guy Consolmagno, Ph.D., S.J., "Brother Astronomer."
"The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the
most discoveries, is not 'Eureka!', but 'That's funny...'"
-- Isaac Asimov
"In the field of observation, chance favors the prepared mind."
--Louis Pasteur
"Research is what I do when I don't know what I'm doing"
-- Wernher Von Braun
Prof. Barnhardt: "You have tested this theory?"
Klaatu: "I find it works well enough to get me from one planet to the next."
-- dialogue from The Day the Earth Stood Still
Some quotes from "On Scientific Method", by Percy W. Bridgman,
from his "Reflections of a Physicist" (1955):
- It seems to me that there is a good deal of ballyhoo about scientific method.
I venture to think that the people who talk most about it are the people
who do least about it. Scientific method is what working scientists do,
not what other people or even they themselves may say about it.
No working scientist, when he plans an experiment in the laboratory,
asks himself whether he is being properly scientific, nor is he
interested in whatever method he may be using as method.
- Scientific method is something talked about by people standing on the
outside and wondering how the scientist manages to do it.
- But ... the working scientist ... is not
consciously following any prescribed course of action, but feels complete
freedom to utilize any method or device whatever which in the particular
situation before him seems likely to yield the correct answer. ...
No one standing on the outside can predict what the
individual scientist will do or what method he will follow.
- In short, science is what scientists do, and there are as many
scientific methods as there are individual scientists.
Science Is About Knowing
Our English word "science" is derived from the Latin word scientia, which
means "knowledge". It does not mean "method" or "discovery."
-- editor
"Science is the knowledge of consequences, and the dependence
of facts upon one another."
-- Thomas Hobbes
"Having students formulate and carry out experiments is an important part of
their education. That is why schools sponsor science fairs. However, making this
the main curriculum is misguided. In doing research, students learn facts at a
snail's pace. If they are ever to become scientists, they need to stand on the
shoulders of those who came before them."
-- Sally Levinson
"There comes a time, starting in middle school or high school, when students
must acquire a body of knowledge. How can they do this and still have the
hands-on science that everyone is calling for? Hands-on science moves far too
slowly for them to acquire a body of knowledge."
-- Ralph W. Lewis, Professor Emeritus of Biology, Michigan State University
"Many of the popular hands-on kits in current use provide no
reading materials for students at all, and this is the fulfillment
of the constructivists' dream. For everyone else it is a nightmare. ...
"A student who has not developed the skill of learning through
reading has no professional future in science.
Without a foundation in scientific vocabulary and with minimal knowledge of
scientific fact, their words bear an accent of ignorance that is
impossible to conceal and nearly impossible to remediate.
While young people should be encouraged to enter science, they must also
be given the education that will permit them to succeed.
"Hands-on investigative activities ought to be sprinkled into a science program
like a 'spice'; they cannot substitute for a 'main dish'.
The best 'hands-on' program would be one in which students can get
their 'hands on' an informative textbook!"
-- Dr. Stan Metzenberg,
"Reading: The Most Important Science Process Skill"
Science and Schools
For more information on the problems and issues in science education,
visit the "science" section of the Illinois Loop website at
"Illinois Loop: Science"