How to Choose a School
How to Choose a School -- The REAL Story
Nope, we're not going to recommend the usual dreck on choosing a school.
These articles will help you get the REAL story on schools.
- "Choosing a School: A Closer Look" by Kevin Killion:
What to look for on the school tour and in the school literature, and
questions to ask about the math, reading, science, social studies and technology programs.
Comparison of Traditional and Progressive Education Models
from the
Commonwealth Education Organization in Pennsylvania:
A handy one-page chart summarizing the differences between the two dominant
camps in education, the learning-centered "traditionalists"
and the theory-centered "progressivists"/"constructivists".
Questions For Your Child's School: A Guide for Parents Who Value Learning.
This article by Charles J. Sykes and William G. Durden covers all of the basic
questions you'll want answered about your children's school -- or prospective school.
Spotting "Broken Windows" in Education: a terrific list of questions
to ask and things to observe when considering a school, excerpted
from Charles Sykes' book
Dumbing Down Our Kids.
- Author and former Chicago-area administrator Dr. Elaine McEwan suggests these
"11 Questions"
to ask yourself about your children's school.
If It Quacks Like a Duck, It's Probably Baloney (April 2002)
by Martin A. Kozloff, Distinguished Professor, Watson School of Education, University of North
Carolina in Wilmington. Dr. Kozloff gives some specific examples of the kinds of puffy rhetoric
you don't want to hear when touring a school, as well as specific examples of good practices
to look for.
Choosing a School by "Curb Appeal"
Reading and Math